Saturday 5 November 2022

Guest Post By My Mum: A Bit of Comfort

[Updated 08.11.2022 because the font size was smaller than intended - the contents have not changed.]

My Mum sent me the following few lines and picture to publish here as guest post:

„During the long and hard five weeks, while my beloved husband Wolfgang had to stay in hospital until he died, now three and a half weeks ago, I daily worked on this shawl.

The knitting made me calm and I could let my mind wander.

Every single stitch or mesh contains my grief, worries, aching, sorrow, sometimes hope, memories. I finished it a day after his death. The lace rim I did afterwards.

Now I can wrap myself in this very big triangle shawl, it is like a bit of comfort to me.“

- - - End of guest post - - -

A heartfelt Thank You to all of you who commented on my post about my Dad‘s death, sent emails and cards. Rest assured that I took every single card to my Mum for her to read. Some of you even made the effort to write in German, and all of you included my Mum and my sister in your kind words and good wishes. It really does help to know so many people have been keeping us in their thoughts (and prayers). Thank you.

It is especially poignant today, as it is the 13th anniversary of my husband‘s very sudden death.


  1. Gorgeous shawl and lovely post..prayers from Florida

    1. Thank you, Brenda.
      You know you can see (and even buy) more of my Mum‘s shawls from her Etsy shop, clickable on the left side of my blog.

    2. Sorry, I have to say, that my Etsy shop is empty since a long time. I had no more customers, so I offered my items on other ways.

    3. Sorry, I did not realise you had deactivated your Etsy shop; I have now removed it from my sidebar.

  2. Liebe Meike's Mama, dein wunderschönes gestrickter Schal ist ein Zeichen Ihrer Liebe und Hingabe für Ihren Mann. Möge es Ihnen in den kommenden Tagen und Wochen Trost spenden. Ich denke an dich und deine Töchter. Mary x

    1. Liebe Mary, vielen Dank für Deine freundlichen Worte.
      Ich bin sicher, dass meine Mama Deinen Kommentar gelesen hat.

  3. That's a lovely shawl that our Mom has made and it will keep her warm with loving memories of your Dad. I am glad you have your Mom and sister close.

    1. Thank you, Ellen. Yes, it is worth a lot that we live close by; one of my oldest friends has just lost her mother who was still living in our home town, but my friend lives in Switzerland and has been travelling back and forth for months. Not easy.

  4. Your mother is the sweetest lady - please tell her that both Bob and Mary are keeping her close in thought, you and your sister too of course, at this difficult time. So glad the three of you are close in every way and are able to comfort each other.

    1. Thank you, Mary and Bob. I am sure my Mum will read your comment and appreciate your kind words.

  5. I have been away from much blogging for so long, and have missed all your sad news. I will read back, post by post. Beautiful, beautiful words your mother wrote. My heart goes out to both of you and your sister. With my love.

    1. Thank you, Nan. I know that your offline life has been keeping you busy - and mostly happily so, I hope. Your posts always make good reading, and so I hope to spot an update on my dashboard soon.

  6. What a lovely thing - to have created that shawl during such an anxious and sorrowful time with each stitch of knitting completed with Wolfgang in mind. Sending virtual hugs to both your mum and yourself - remembering Wolfgang and Steve.

  7. What a beautiful shawl and now with such meaning and comfort. Take care.

  8. This is such a beautiful post -- and a beautiful shawl. I have a needlepoint pillow made during my mom's hospitalization with the same prayers in every stitch. Those simple activities kept us sane. I'm so sorry that timing has caused this loss so close to that of your husband's passing anniversary. All those feelings tumble back. Wrapping you cross the seas with healing thoughts as warm and soft as that shawl.

    1. Thank you, Jeanie. Your needlepoint pillow must be very precious to you, containing all those memories.

  9. Beautiful shawl. I understand its place and the calmness it brought to you. Thank you.
