Thursday 13 June 2024

A Week At Home

After my busy Berlin week, the first full week of June was spent at home with only two days at the office in Weilimdorf. The weather was a mix of sunshine and mild temperatures with a few showers thrown in, and I was able to walk a lot.

On Monday (3 June) morning, my usual train wasn't running because of the flooding that has been affecting much of south Germany. But an alternative connection worked well enough, so that I was home only about half an hour later than usual.

After work, I enjoyed my standard walk to Benningen.

The fields look more like what you'd expect in early July than June.

Tuesday (4 June) and Wednesday (5 June) saw me working at the office in Weilimdorf. On Tuesday afternoon, a gathering to celebrate the end of a big project was held, and since I had been contributed to that project, I was invited. There were a few speeches, the main project staff were given flowers and chocolates, and we had drinks and snacks. The gathering ended officially at 6:30 pm, and I left a little before that.

Wednesday morning was off to a bad start when my downstairs neighbour rang my doorbell just as I was about to leave for the train station. 

In our house, we've been having problems for a long time with people not cleaning the stairs and the paved area around the house when it is their turn. I am one of three owners, and the three of us have decided to employ someone for that service who does not live in the house. My neighbour rents the flat from one of the other two owners, and he misunderstood a few things when his landlord informed him about the change. He had nothing better to do than to unjustly accuse me, and shout at me in the stair case - before 8:00 am! His wife was very embarrassed about his behaviour and dragged him back into their flat, and I left for work.

I was upset, but managed to focus on work. Walking home from Zuffenhausen after work helped to further clear my head, and as soon I was home, I asked the couple to come upstairs and sit down to talk about it all in a civilised manner. We succeeded and are now "friends" again; the wife was so relieved at our peace-making that she nearly cried. Nobody needs "war" in the house - there is already too much aggression in the world as it is.

The process of finding someone who will provide us with that service at a reasonable price is ongoing.

On the fields between Stammheim and Pflugfelden
A beautiful sunny day followed on Thursday (6 June). My Mum and her friend met up with me for Wine After Work by the lake. It was a pleasant evening, followed (for me) by an equally pleasant sunset walk home

The pedal boats one can rent during the day are parked for the night.

For lunch, I had met with a friend who gave me his keys for the weekend. The family have a cat; they were spontaneously going away for the weekend and needed someone to look after the cat, something I am always happy to do for them if I am available - and this time, I was.

Because of various appointments for both of us, O.K. and I spent the weekend separately. Therefore, I was neither on a train to Offenburg on Friday (7 June) after work, nor was there any need for me to prepare things for us to stay at my place.

I had not been to Steinheim (where my parents used to have an allotment for many years) in quite a while, and so I took advantage of the wonderful early summer's day and the free time. 

What used to be my Mum and my favourite walk is nice in all seasons, and it takes just a little over an hour to reach the allotment from the train station in Marbach. I walked further on, to one of my favourite spots - the "grassy path" I have visited many times, and shown on my blog before.

With the recent rain and mild temperatures, the grass was elbow high and the path overgrown in parts. It wasn't the best idea to walk there with bare legs, but I had sprayed myeslf with insect repellant before leaving the house, and as soon as the overgrown part ended and I was on a "proper" path again, I brushed down my legs thoroughly and examined the hems of my shorts and the rims of my socks and trainers very carefully so as to avoid any ticks.

The river Murr, as seen from the bridge in Steinheim, was higher than usual, clay brown and fast flowing. It was obvious that it had been overflowing not long ago.

"My" grassy path

This was one of the better parts - in other parts, you'd hardly know there was a path at all.

All in all, I walked a solid 3 hours before I reached the station in Marbach again and took the train back to Ludwigsburg.

Back home, I had a short rest and something to eat before setting off again, this time to look after my friends' cat. He is a Maine Coon, one of two brothers. I looked after them before, but since one of them died, Haku is on his own. He was obviously very glad to have company, being used to a lively family with two girls of 8 and nearly 6 years old.

Haku at almost full length. Of course you have no comparison here, but believe me, he IS a big cat!

It was 9:00 pm by the time I was back at my flat and ready to call it a day.

On Saturday (8 June), I did the cleaning and other household jobs I usually do on a Friday. Mid-afternoon, I was booked for a massage; my neck and shoulders really needed it. Morning and evening, I went to look after Haku, and I combined my evening shift with a visit to a friend who lives nearby. We exchange books every now and then (she always lends me the latest Richard Osman), and it is always good to see her and catch up.

Sunset on Saturday (8 June) after a shower earlier that evening.

Haku's family were returning on Sunday (9 June) evening, so I was only required to check on him in the morning. Afterwards, my sister and I went to her garden and spent part of the afternoon in that beautiful oasis of peace and wildlife.

At 5:00 pm, I met my Mum in town for the "Brautage" ("brew days"), a small beer festival in the courtyard behind the townhall. They are not limited on beer, but there are also stalls that serve wine and cocktails. We had two drinks each, listened to the music (it was Rockabilly / Rock'n Roll, with the guys at the instruments being rather good but the lady at the microphone hardly up to the task), talked and left after about two hours.

A quiet evening at home followed; this relaxing weekend was really welcome, especially in view of a busy week and even busier weekend following.


  1. Some lovely views, and I agree it looks more like July than June. Here too nature is "ahead of itself" - but at the same time in June it's gone back to being rather chilly, which makes one even more confused. Today I almost wished I'd put on my winter jacket!

    1. We've been having some very chilly mornings and nights here, too. I have not yet resorted to wearing my winter jacket, but I have put the heating on in my bathroom for 15 minutes or so before I go and have a shower - I hate cold bathrooms first thing in the morning.

  2. Well, you certainly had lovely weather for your walks! Looks lovely!
    Your Mum is so young looking. I miss spending time with mine as we used to love to go shopping and do lunch. Those are such happy memories for me!

    1. The walk to Steinheim is always tinged with nostalgia for me, I think of my Dad who is no longer here and of my Mum who is no longer able to do that walk with me. But she is still around, and very active in many other ways. In two months, we'll be celebrating her 80th birthday!

  3. It sounds like a peaceful weekend after a bad time with the neighbour being aggressive. You're so right. We don't need any more fighting specially not on our own doorsteps, (literally in your case. ) Thank you for your comment on my blog. I am really sorry that you have had another death in your circle. I know there is not much anyone can say but you do have my very real sympathies. I did reply to your email, using the Destinyauthor email on March 23. That was 3 months ago, time flies. It is probably time to write another one! Would you mind emailing me to confirm that this was the right address, please? When I used it before I seemed to remember it had been different last time we were in email contact.

    1. Jenny, I will send you an email in a minute. I have not changed email addresses, but I have always had two, one connected with this blog (a gmail/googlemail address) and my general one, a hotmail address.

  4. I wondered why this was still on my 'Blog page' because I read it a while ago. Just realised I hadn't commented. I'm getting to the stage when I can actually recognise some of the areas (like the very obvious tower picture) which give me a familiarity which I like. You make me realise just how little I "go for walks" these days. Not that I have ever walked as much as you do anyway.

    1. I had to look at the pictures because your mention of a tower puzzled me, but then I realised you must mean the observation tower. In Germany, these constructions are called Hochsitz, literally "high seat". There are nearly always made of wood, rarely of metal. Some are like this one, a small hut-like compartment on stilts, while others are much higher and more like an open seat at the top of a high ladder, exposed to the elements. Game wardens and hunters build and use them, but others (more or less legally) climb them sometimes simply to observe wildlife - or have a quiet drink while watching the sun set.
