Monday 19 August 2024

The Glorious Twelfth

In the UK and probably some other English-speaking countries with a similar climate, the Glorious Twelfth is anything but glorious for birds of the grouse species; traditionally, the 12th of August marks the start of the shooting season.

For me and my family, the 12th of August has an entirely different meaning: It is my Mum's birthday, and a week ago today, on Monday, the 12th of August 2024, she turned 80 - a truly Glorious Twelfth for us!

You wouldn't believe it looking at her, holding the huge bouquet of 80 roses in her favourite colours that my sister brought her. It was also my sister who decorated the living room with a "Happy Birthday" garland and various other things as well as bringing a sash and badge saying "Birthday Girl".

I worked from home until about 2:00 pm and then walked over to my Mum's for a couple of hours.

Back home for a bit, until it was time to set off again; Mum had booked a table for us at a relatively new restaurant in town where none of us had been before. They serve what they call Asian Fusion food, and it was very good. Service was friendly, too. There were tables outside, but as the day was hot at 32C/90F, sitting inside was more sensible.

On Saturday (August 17), the actual birthday do took place at a restaurant not far from where Mum lives.
A room was reserved for us, with beautiful table decorations and staff both friendly and professional.

Many of the guests I had not seen in a while, some not since my Dad's funeral in 2022. 
One of the ladies has been friends with my Mum since childhood but lives not close by. She and my Mum have kept in touch but not seen each other in many years - I believe she was there for my Mum's 60th birthday, but then with various things happening in both their lives they had not met.

It was good to see everybody, but with friends and relatives of my Mum's generation all visibly getting older (although most of them still looking great!) and having various health problems it was also somewhat bitter-sweet.
Of course, us "younger ones" are also visibly getting older and not free from issues of our own, but I suppose you understand what I mean.

The event started at lunch time with drinks and a short speech by my Mum. Lunch was then served, and as usual on such occasions, there was way too much food, but it was all delicious.
Next, a guitarist played for us. There were classic baroque pieces, but also some well known songs - not meant to sing along, though. Listening to the beautiful music was very relaxing.
Those of us who are able to walk then went out for a little bit. The cemetery where my Dad and friend R are is close by, and in small scattered groups we went there and back. One of the guests had a 4 month old dachshund with him - she was very well behaved but of course needed a walk, too.

Back at the venue, my sister and I had a surprise prepared for our Mum: a quiz, done in pub quiz style, with 14 questions about her.
Most of her guests did well, only missing a few points, and five of them got all the answers right. My Mum then had to draw one of the five as the winner, and that person received a prize.

Coffee and cake was brought in, and amazingly, nearly everyone managed a piece of cake - some even more than one. There was a choice of four different ones (as you can see, a Black Forest gâteau among them), all looking great, but I simply couldn't eat any more, and only had two cups of coffee.
Slowly but surely, the party wound down. We said our good-byes to everyone but a select few who met again at R's garden; she lives downstairs in the same house where my Mum lives on the top floor. Six of us sat there for one last drink and a chat before O.K. and I made our way home.
That was not the last of the birthday-related events of that week, though: We met again at my Mum's for coffee and cake (left-overs from the day before) on Sunday (18 August), seven of us this time. 

Rain that had begun late Saturday evening and lasted into early Sunday morning, then stopped only to return in the afternoon made a proper walk unappealing, and so O.K. and I just walked to my Mum's and back that day, staying in for a light evening meal before it was for O.K. to drive home.

It was a very special week with several events for a very special lady!


  1. What terrific celebrations for your Mom, Meike! She looks great and how nice that so many friends and family gathered together. My birthday is August 10th and I turned 74 so I am not that far behind your Mom in age. Hope we have many more happy, healthy years in our future! ;)

    1. I hope that for both you and my Mum, too, Ellen!

  2. Happy belated birthday wishes to your mom!

    I enjoyed the pictures so much! Everything looked just perfect and joyful. :) And I really love those gorgeous roses! I'm not sure any of our local florists carry such nice roses. It all seems like a really nice celebration for a special lady.

    1. The florist is my sister's neighbour and friend, her family runs a large garden center on the fields just on the edge of town where we often walk, and where we also go for our Advent wreaths. It's not a cheap place, but the quality and service are really good.

  3. That looks like such a wonderful birthday celebration for your mum and she looks so well and young! I went to the 80th birthday celebration of friend recently and her daughter had also made a quiz about her and each table had a go at it. Many of us had not known her for long so made guesses at the answers which were a lot of fun and there was much laughter. The roses are lovely.

    1. Thank you, Rachel! The celebration and quiz you went to recently sounds like a lot of fun, too. Certainly a good way to mark such a special day.

  4. To reach the age of 80 in pretty good health is a remarkable thing and belatedly I send my best wishes to The Meike Mama! Sounds like the birthday arrangements were just perfect.

    1. Thank you, Neil! Meike-Mama's health is not the best, but many of her friends are much worse, and she makes the most of what she still can do.
      Everything about her birthday week was good, now she needs to rest from all the festivities!

  5. Thank you all for your birthday wishes. It was really a great day for me!

  6. Glad that your mum had a good celebration - or even a whole week of celebrations! :)

    1. It wasn't quite as much as the celebration week for her 70th birthday, but still full enough for my Mum to need a couple of days of rest afterwards :-)
      My 2014 post about her 70th is here, if you're interested:

  7. Happy belated birthday to your Mum! I hope she has been celebrating the whole month. I love the party you had for her, with lovely friends and family. Great food! A guitarist! That thoughtful quiz about your Mum's life and prizes given to the winner, a great idea. 80 roses- even they are not as gorgeous as your Mum. Tell her I said so!!

    1. Thank you, Kay - I am sure she'll read your comment :-)

  8. I'm so pleased that your Mum had such a good time celebrating her 80th. I hope that she enjoys many more happy years.
