Monday 26 August 2024

The Rest of That Week

As described in my previous post, much of the week starting on the 12th of August had something or other to do with my Mum's 80th birthday. 

But it was also a regular working week for me.

On Tuesday (13 August), I didn't do anything apart from work. I was glad for the chance to work from home, not having to face the train rides there and back, or the non-existing A/C at my office. At 33C/91F, the day was not just hot, but it was also humid - an after-work walk held no appeal. By mid-afternoon my brain felt half molten, and I found it hard to concentrate.

A thunderstorm in the evening brought a little relief.

It was maybe 5 degrees Celsius cooler on Wednesday (14 August), and it was ok to go to the office. It even felt good enough for getting off the train in Kornwestheim and walking the rest of the way home, less than an hour and with the possibility of walking in the shade.

Thursday (15 August) was similar, with a clear azure sky and a max of 28C/82F. Again working from home, I felt like a good walk after work and opted for my standard route to Benningen.

Some trees bear a lot of apples this year.

No change in the weather on Friday (16 August). Because I like keeping all windows open while I go about my weekly cleaning (last but not least to have the freshly mopped floors dry quickly), but at the same time did not want to get too much heat into the flat, I switched my routine around: I cleaned and did other household things in the morning and worked in the afternoon.

O.K. arrived at my place at around 9:30 pm. I had prepared Tabouleh the day before, and found it fit the warm evening well.

For Monday, Saturday and Sunday of that week, see my previous post.


  1. We are seeing a lot of apples on our trees here too - but not a good year for plums - at least in our garden.

    1. I think it is similar here; plums aren't having a great year. Walnuts are mixed; where I regularly walk are several trees. Some bear plenty of nuts, big and healthy looking, while a couple of trees along the same orchard seem to be struggling, bearing less and smaller nuts with many black spots on the green shells. Not sure whether it is a disease or a pest.

  2. I'm just delighted if we get the occasional couple of hours of sunshine this summer.

    1. We've had such a wet and unsettled spring and early summer this year, a period of sunny days is very welcome.
