Friday 1 December 2017

Winter Wonderland

Well, not quite yet. The snow we've been having for the past two days is still rather wet, and yesterday by the time I left work, it was nearly all gone because it had turned into sleety rain first and then into proper rain.

But here are, as a very quick post before I head off to work, the most recent views from my kitchen window.

Earlier this week:

Yesterday morning:

About half an hour ago this morning:

Oh, and to put you into an even more wintery-cuddly mood, here are the latest pictures from two of the kittens and their mother - you remember the story (if not, you can read it here):

Off to work now; have a good day, whatever you'll be doing!


  1. Those kittens look so cosy - and not so small now either!

    1. They have doubled in size since I last saw them, and no doubt will be bigger when I next get a picture!

  2. I never tire of the view from your window and to see it in snow, that is truly beautiful.
    Yes, I remember the mother cat and her kittens! My, how they have grown and they look healthy and happy.
    Hope YOU have a good day! I will be working but then, will leave and will spend the night with my Dad. We might even go to eat at a Cracker Barrel. You should look it up, there are old signs and tools on the Dad knows and remembers a great many of them! :-)

    1. A Cracker Barrel? Now, that is something I really need to look up, as I have no idea what it is :-) Right now, I don't have the time, though, as I am hosting the annual Hawaii Toast party (with Secret Santa in the mix).

  3. I envy you your snowy landscape! How beautiful! I wish we could have some snow, but it's exceedingly rare here.

    Those kittens are precious!

    1. The snow looks nice there, but on our city roads, it turns into grey-brown sludgy stuff very quickly.
      When O.K.'s sister sent me the pictures, I wanted to lay down with them for a good cuddle!

  4. We have snow here in North Yorkshire but it is just starting to go - it has turned slightly warmer and damp which I hate more than cold, crisp weather.
    Lovely kittens (and mum too)

    1. I always think of "your" kittens, when you told us about the adventurous rescue. I hope they are all well and in good homes.
      Yes, damp and still cold is much worse than crisp and cold.

  5. Sunny and cold here in northeast Ohio. We had a bit of snow one day, but it did not last. Soon...Snow is beautiful, at least at the beginning! I imagine the cats are all at their forever homes now.

    1. Yes, they are all well established in their homes now, and busy growing and making mischief!
