Thursday 23 May 2024

Returning Home

Our stay at the hotel in Bärental was over on Saturday, 11 May. We left after breakfast, and the drive to Ludwigsburg took almost exactly 2 hours - no hold-ups, no accidents, just a general observing of ruthless and inconsiderate driving on the motorway. (My Mum sometimes says she knows no group of people showing less solidarity with each other than car drivers.)

It was a lovely day, sunny and warm at 25C/77F. I unpacked quickly, started the washing machine, and we were off into town. We didn't have lunch - but the huge ice creams we had more than made up for it; they were much bigger than expected and really too much, actually.

Back home, a quick trip to Aldi followed to stock up on groceries, and at 6:00 pm, we were at my Mum's. The four of us (my sister was there, too) enjoyed a delicious salad of Asian noodles and bits of green asparagus in the evening sun on the balcony. Of course we had been sending brief messages and a few photos every day during our time away, but now we could give a full report.

At around 9:30 pm, O.K. left for home - Like me, he needed the Sunday to get ready for the return to work.

On Sunday (12 May) sad news reached us: My uncle had died the previous evening. Maybe you remember that my aunt (one of my Dad's sisters) had died in March, and my sister went to see the family in the south of France over Easter. On her return, she had said that my uncle was rather weak; he was in his mid-80s, and not long before my aunt died, he had been diagnosed with liver cancer and decided not to undergo therapy.

He was the fifth person in my circle of friends and family to have died this year, and it is only May. All of them were elderly and ill, but that doesn't mean we're not sad - my sister and I knew our aunt and uncle almost since the day we were born, and our families spent much time together when our parents were young and us five cousins were kids.

It was another sunny day, and around 1:00 pm, I arrived at my sister's allotment where we spent the afternoon together, doing a lot of reminiscing.

Sunset is now well after 9:00, which gave me the opportunity for a good long walk in the evening (to Benningen). As always, I found that most helpful for handling my emotions.


  1. Glad you got home safely, Meike.
    I'm sorry to read about your Uncle. I am glad you have your sister to share memories with and I hope that brings you some comfort.

    1. Thank you, Ellen.
      Yes, my Mum, my sister and I are always there for each other. In my uncle and aunt's case, I was not very close to them, but since they were very much present in my childhood, it is still sad to know they are gone. And of course it must be hard on my cousins - their grown-up children - to lose both parents within 11 weeks.

  2. Like Ellen I am sorry to hear of your uncle's death and also like Ellen I recognise that your relationship with your sister is a very special that helps to sustain both of your as you journey through life. What was your uncle's first name?

    1. CORRECTION "a very special one". Sorry.

    2. Thank you, Neil. My uncle's first name begins with a J, but since I have not cleared it with my cousins, I do not want to give his name here - it doesn't really make a difference anyway.
      You are right; my Mum, my sister and I are very close, not just geographically (we live within 10-15 minutes walking distance from each other). It is good to know we can be there for each other whenever necessary - or even just for a fun evening together.
