All day, I was unsure about whether to go running or not.
My hometown's CityRun is only three weeks away, one of which I will be spending in the South of France for a family gathering, and although I intend to take my running clobber with me, I doubt I'll have that much occasion for running.
I went out in the afternoon to visit my downstairs neighbour in hospital; she is expecting a baby and not very well. Her husband offered to give me a lift back home, but I wanted to leave before him, so that the two of them would get some time on their own, and it looked as if it was going to keep dry - there was even a bit of sun visible finally! - so I walked home.
It was still chilly enough for me to be wearing my coat, and I settled for an evening in.
As soon as I had started up my computer game, though, I changed my mind, and before said mind had a chance to change again, I slipped into my trainers and ran.
As soon as I had started up my computer game, though, I changed my mind, and before said mind had a chance to change again, I slipped into my trainers and ran.
And I am glad I did!
The chilly weather as well as the ongoing football worldcup kept most people inside, so I had the fields almost entirely to myself.
Not even the usual group of half-naked, tanned, muscular Polish workers were on the fields; they were probably enjoying a well-deserved night off, now that the asparagus is done with and the strawberries can still do with a few more sunny days.
It being so quiet on the fields, I could fully focus on taking in all the sights, sounds and, most enjoyably, the scents.

Twice, big light brown hares crossed my path. On a freshly cut meadow, magpies, crows and big plump doves were searching for food side by side. The scent of the cut grass and, further on, that of the strawberry fields was overwhelming. Primroses are as good as gone, and the cherries will only need a week or so of sun to be ready for picking.

About 50 minutes and a bit more than 8 km later, I arrived back home, glad that I did go for that run, and glad that, even though it doesn't feel like summer temperature-wise, all the other signs are there, spelling summer.
(Pictures of hare and strawberry field courtesy google picture search; picture of rye field is my own.)