Friday 1 March 2013

Three Reasons to Celebrate: Giveaway!

Dear Readers,

This month, I have three reasons to celebrate (apart from my birthday which is only 3 weeks away).
All three are to do with my blog, and so it seems right to celebrate right here, on my blog, with all of you.

1. My very first blog entry was written and published on the 26th of March in 2009 - which means my Four Year Blogoversary is coming up.
Originally, I started blogging because I needed to vent thoughts and feelings I found sometimes hard to cope with by their sheer number and contrast. It was through a close friend of mine that I discovered blogging as the perfect outlet, and although the topics and the aim of my blog have shifted somewhat over the years, it has never ceased to be an important part of my (almost daily) life.

2. The number of followers to my blog shows 99 - just one more to go to make the 100 complete!
While at the beginning I did not really have any readers in mind, soon I felt part of a community of people who blog for very different reasons and about very different topics, allowing me glimpses into their lives and commenting on the glimpses I was giving them in return. I don't want to miss this friendly exchange anymore, and with some of you, a friendship far beyond "just blogging" has developed. All of you matter to me, and I treasure each comment.

3. My Mum, who is responsible for some of the most popular posts on my blog, has sold the first 20 articles on her Etsy shop - largely thanks to you!
She is the only member of my family who actively contributes to my blog, and we both have had plenty of fun in the past hosting giveaways.

Speaking of which...
...this time, the giveaway consists of two parts:

- The winner will receive the book "The Shop on Blossom Street", which I have reviewed here.

- Everyone who reads this - no matter whether they are already following my blog or not - can buy one item from my Mum's Etsy shop at half price during the entire month of March 2013.
(Note: this applies only to items that are in the shop "as is", not for items made on request.) Simply make sure to let my Mum know that you are making your purchase in connection with my blog.
If you make your purchase after March 31st (Central Europe Time), the regular prices as shown in the shop apply. Also, if you buy more than one item, only one of them is at half price.

You don't have to participate in the drawing for the book to buy at the shop at half price, and you do not have to buy anything from the shop in order to take part at the book giveaway.
If you do want to have a chance on winning the book, here is what to do:
1. Leave a comment on this post telling me that you want to be included - this gives you one entry in the drawing.
2. Follow my blog - this gives you a second entry.
3. Tell your readers on your own blog about our triple celebration - and you'll get another entry.

The winner will be drawn on the 31st of March.

Good luck, and have fun!

Meike & Meike's Mum

- - - And a personal message from my Mum to all of you:

I have to thank...
...all those followers of Meike's blog who encouraged me to have my own ETSY-Shop. I never heard about it before, and I first had to search for that faboulous thing! It took me a while to create the page, but al last it worked.
And - amazingly - I sold!! Mostly I sold to you, Meike's followers, and I shipped my items to the U.S., to the U.K., Australia, Sweden. But never to an address here in Germany, although I always post my offers in two languages.  I also knitted some items on request, the customers could choose  colour, size and shape (those are not shown in my shop).
At the end of May my Etsy-shop will have its first anniversary, and then, my dears, I will surprise you again with a special offer!


  1. I would love to be included, Meike! I'm just off now, to fly to Florida, but will have internet there too....I do love your blog!

    1. Your name is "in", Krisi :-)
      Enjoy your stay in Florida!
      Thank you for being such a regular reader and leaving comments on my blog.

  2. Congratulations Meike on your 4 year blogoversary! Please don't put my name in for the giveaway. I have read that and the other Blossom Street books already. I like Debbie Macomber books and have read many of them. It would be better for the gift to go to someone that has not read the book before. I am glad you write your blog and I look forward to reading it whenever you post. A big hello to your Mom as well. You both know I am a big fan of her work. ;) Have a wonderful Friday!!

    1. Thanks, Janice! You too enjoy your weekend.

  3. Has it really been that many years Meike? Goodness, so much has happened!
    Lovely giveaway

    1. Indeed, so much has happened in those few years! And a lot still keeps happening; life is never really dull, is it.

  4. Congratulations on the Blogoversary (and to your Mum as well) and I hope you'll get your 100th follower before The Big Day. I'll refrain from being in the draw for the book, as I have about a hundred books waiting on the Kindle and keep adding new ones faster than I have time to read the ones already downloaded... ;)

    1. Thank you, Monica! Same here - my Kindle keeps "filling up" (good job that it has LOTS of storage space) and I haven't even got through the first batch of downloads from about a year ago.

  5. I can recommend the socks - they're wonderful!

    1. My Mum will be well chuffed to read this, Frances, thank you!

  6. Congratulations on the various anniversaries and greetings to Meike’s Mum.
    As I have won before I won’t enter again but, like Frances, I cannot praise Meike’s Mum’s socks highly enough.

    1. Thank you, Friko! You know, winning once does not exclude anyone from entering another giveaway on my blog :-)

  7. My daughter bought me some beautiful socks from your mum for Christmas, I wear them around the house. I already have 3 pairs of socks that I wear for this purpose so when they wear out I will be back for another pair from your mum! yes, please include me in the blog. I already follow it so can't get another entry that way.

  8. and congratulations on your birthday (and your blog's)!

    1. Thank you, Jenny! It is not my birthday just yet, that'll happen more towards the end of the month.

  9. Congratulations!!
    I'd love to enter your giveaway!!

  10. Replies
    1. Hello Gill, welcome to my blog and thank you for becoming my 100th reader!
      Wow - you DO follow a LOT of blogs... when do you have time for reading them all? ;-)

  11. Congratulations for your blog. I see you have reached 100:) I will check out your shop.

    1. Thank you, Francesca! It's not my shop, but my Mum's. She'll be happy to read all that nice feedback on here!

  12. Sans the knitting, the subject matter of the book would interest me...and I'd like to enter.

    And have an excellent blog.

    1. Consider yourself entered, Christopher - and thank you :-)

  13. I am a follower and a constant reader anyway. When I first read this post I wasn't going to comment 'cos it's really aimed at non-followers. Today I thought I would comment just so that you know I've read the post!

    1. That's kind of you, Graham :-) Actually, I meant to include everyone, follower or not, in the celebration.

    2. Ditto! (But then GB and I so often think alike...)

  14. Meike, this would be a good way to start reading this author. I already follow you. And I'll post about your offer when I leave here.
    Happy UNbirthday to you today! Oldest son's birthday is the 22nd of this month.

    1. Well, I did it! It's at the top on the right hand side of my blog. cheers!

    2. Mine is on the 22nd, too :-D
      Thank you for spreading the news, Norma!
