Saturday 22 April 2017

Easter and so on

Incredibly but true, Easter is already over. Mary, my Yorkshire mother-in-law, says it every time we speak on the phone around this time of year: As soon as Easter is gone, summer is nearly here. 

I agree that time does indeed pass very quickly, and I have so much to look forward to until summer will really be here: This weekend, for instance, with O.K. stopping until Sunday night, and me intending to cook green asparagus and potatoes; next weekend, which will be longer than usual, with the 1st of May being a Bank Holiday in Germany, and then the weekend after that, when we will be celebrating O.K.'s birthday on the Saturday, attend a confirmation on Sunday and head off to a week away on the Monday (that will be the second week of May).

There is currently only one thing I am not looking forward to, and that is a long morning at the doctor's for some thorough eye tests this coming Monday. I've been having a bit of trouble with my left eye lately, and it needs looking at. Of course it won't actually "hurt", but I absolutely hate it when anyone does anything close to or with my eyes and would much rather go five times to the dentist's than once to have my eyes examined. I know, it's silly of me, but there you go. Also, a lot of sitting around and waiting will be part of the "fun", and I won't even be able to read while I'm waiting, because of the stuff they put in my eyes for the examination. Ah well.

Anyway, here are some pictures to match the headline of today's post.

The lamb my Mum and I baked on Good Friday so that I could take it to O.K.'s family for Easter Sunday:

The tons of chocolate I got for Easter: (about half of it is gone already...)

A close-up of the pile of chocolate O.K. gave me (among other things) for Easter - a truly mouth-watering sight for any chocoholic: (I have not started on this one yet!)

The grey moleskin skirt I bought about 2 months ago, wore for the third or fourth time this week to work and just remembered not having shown here yet:

View from my office window on Wednesday this week - the huge snow flakes looked almost unreal, like something you'd see at the theatre or in a movie:

That's all from me for today. Have a good, relaxing weekend, no matter where you are and what the weather is like there!


  1. The lamb cake! I have seen this on other blogs and I truly love it!
    THE CHOCOLATE! I would have that photo as my header photo, I love it!
    Love the bag of chocolates that OK gave you too, they look yummy.
    Your moleskin skirt looks great on you (as all clothes do!) and nice and soft.
    The apple appears to be looking out the window, all forlorn. Don't worry, little apple, the snow will be gone soon! :-)
    Have a great weekend!

    1. The skirt really is very soft and warm, but not too warm for the kind of weather we are having right now.
      The apple was gone before the snow ;-)
      You too have a great weekend, Kay!

  2. Good luck with the eye exam, I have eye problems and have to see a retina specialist 4 times a year. Hate having my eyes dilated, they always ache afterwards.
    Love the bunny cake and all that chocolate looks luscious.

    1. Yes, the dilating isn't nice, is it. But I am being all grown up and reasonable about this whole eye-thing - at least for now.

  3. I hope everything went well with your eye appointment! It's Monday night and I am just reading this, a little too late...Your skirt looks so good on you. You have the figure to make clothes look good. And what delicious chocolates you received for Easter! Yumm!

    1. The eye exams were exhausting and some of them painful. I was flat out when I came home 3 hours later and had to lie down. The good news is that I am not in desperate need of an operation (yet), but I'll have to cope with the limitations of my left eye.
      Thank you for the compliment reg. the skirt! As for the chocolate - well, there is less and less of it each day... ;-)

  4. I adore that outfit you're wearing! Very pretty and polished looking. I'm going for an eye exam this week, too. And that Easter candy...! I LOVE Easter candy and it was so hard not buying it up this year as it appeared in stores. I've been working hard to improve my diet and I've all but given up sugar.

    Speaking of which, we're friends with a couple from India. Gregg saw the wife yesterday and she sent me some candy her family had included in a care package from home. I'm afraid I overdid it and ate several pieces, and woke up with a stomachache last night that I still have this morning. My stomach is put of practice digesting rich, sweet foods!

    1. Giving up sugar (mainly in the shape of chocolate) would be sooo hard for me!! Hats off to you for being so strict with yourself.
      I am not familiar with typical Indian sweets but can imagine your stomach reacted strongly after being so out of practice!
      All the best for your eye exam. I hope it is not too uncomfortable.

  5. How can you stay so lovely and slim while eating all that chocolate! *envy* :) The snowflakes look extraordinary. We've had cold weather here too but no actual snow. Sympathies about the eye examination. I hope that all goes well. I have some kind of instinctive reaction when people try to touch my eyes... maybe a mild sedative might help?

    1. The eye examinations didn't go all that well, because like you, I react strongly to anyone getting near my eyes. No sedative. The result is not as bad as I feared, but not as good as I hoped, either. Never mind!

      My "secret" with chocolate is that I do not really eat it on top of my other food, but instead. Also, I do not drive, but walk (and run) quite a lot. Other than that I suppose a good deal is also genetic.

  6. I like the skirt although it's not one that I would wear! Scottish men's skirts (kilts of course) are usually much more showy. As for chocolate and being slim you are one of the most organised (which is not really the word I'm looking for but it won't come to me) when it comes to everything and diet and exercise I'm sure are very much part of the reason for you being slim. I'm sorry to hear that your eyes are not as good as hoped.

    1. Organised is certainly a word that fits me, Graham. I like being organised - it gives me the freedom to break out, and yet return to the comfort of the order I have created for myself.
