Wednesday 6 November 2019

October Weekends

Out of last month's four weekends, I spent three at O.K.'s, also because of the band's engagements (see previous post). October was mostly beautiful; there were a few rainy days, but it was certainly a "golden" October the way it should be. Some mornings were almost frosty at 3-4 Celsius - cold enough for me to wear a padded coat and even gloves for the first time this season on my way to work. But day temperatures were often as warm as a late summer day, and whenever we could, we went for walks.

Here are pictures from our October weekends.

Let's start with some food!

Plum cake at a café in Ludwigsburg:

Trying something new for Sunday: Burger patties without meat. 
Now, I have often wondered why anyone would want something that looks and (more or less) tastes like meat when they are vegetarian or vegan? I am neither; I really like meat and bacon, but I can only eat it when I use a technique called cognitive dissociation - I black out all rational thought about where it comes from, how it was produced, what impact it has on the environment and how the poor animal probably had to suffer both during its short life and in death. 
Therefore, any alternative that gives me the pleasure of a nice meal with meat but without all the negative implications is welcome.
I spotted "The Wonder Burger" at my local supermarket, and we gave it a try. It passed the test and I am quite sure I will buy it again. 

Just outside O.K.'s village on a walk one Saturday afternoon last month:

We went out again later that day, but that will have to wait for another post.


  1. The photographs could just as easily be in England; our Autumn is at much the same stage.

    1. Most of these pictures were taken about 3-4 weeks ago. Yes, the rolling hills and fields could also be in England, but there are less vineyards there than here.

  2. Love this post, it made me laugh - and being a non-meat eater I only usually buy 'veggie burgers' to chuck on the outdoor grill in summertime when Bob actually cooks real beef burgers, hot dogs etc. for himself.

    The plum cake would be gobbled in no time - looks delish!

    1. It was very nice, and I liked the kitschy coffee mug, too. O.K.'s was cheese cake, which was also very good.

  3. Why isn't it called Der Wunder Burge🍔r?

    1. More often than not, Tasker, you'll find things in German shops that go by English (or sometimes pseudo-English) names, especially if they are supposed to be "modern" items aimed at youngish people. Most German marketing specialists are convinced things have instantly more appeal and look more trendy when at least part of the writing on the package is in English. Sad but true.

    2. That is sad. I guess we don't have many German brand names here because it would not appeal to 52% of voters. We're on to our 7th Volkswagen.

    3. That is a rather silly comment and shows a distinct lack of understanding of people who voted to leave the EU. I have friends in Berlin who I have been visiting since 1978 and nothing has changed about my love of your country and I voted leave.

    4. Hello Rachel, thank you for popping over to my blog and commenting!
      My relatives in Yorkshire love me (and vice versa), regardless of how they have voted. I know some of them have voted leave, but that does not stop me from coming to Yorkshire and see them at least once a year.

    5. PS: I guess Tasker's comment was meant (at least partly) tongue-in-cheek.

    6. Thank you for your reply to my comment from which I can see you fully understand what I was saying. I read your blog as you know although I do not comment very often but I particularly like your accounts of your travels and enjoyed your recent hiking holiday and the photographs. Governments in this country have often applied EU laws to us in a more heavy-handed way than they are applied in other EU countries, and for this reason many people voted leave on the basis that we would in future create our own laws and be free of the fetters of the EU Parliament.

  4. Ah, the year is turning...It feels so close to winter. Too close. We have snow predicted for three of the next ten days. I certainly hope it will just be a short lived dusting of snow! How delicious that plum cake looks. We often have some sort of patty that is not meat since my son is vegetarian. And I understand your guilty feelings about meat, but I still eat it myself.

    1. It is November, after all, and for me, that month is a mix of autumn and winter. Our Christmas Market will start before the month is over!
      I have not yet seen any snow forecasts for my area, but some mornings are definitely close enough to frost for me.

  5. I've never found "fake" meat enjoyable to eat, but I find real meat so greasy these days and that puts me off too. I actually think my food choices are becoming more limited, which is a pity. I never used to consider myself fussy about food but my daughter now says that I have become so. (Having said that, I really enjoyed a haggis in Scotland!) :)

    1. I know what haggis is made of, and that puts me off it completely :-)
      During a typical week, I don't have any meat until the weekend, and even then I could go without. Most "fake" meat products are not so good and would do better if they'd just say "veggie patty" (for example). I've watched a program the other day about real meat (from animal stem cells) being grown in a lab. It is still not the kind of meat we get from a proper animal, but they are working hard on it. I'd be willing to try that if it were available in my area.

  6. You answered my question in an earlier comment. I also wondered about the Wonder Burger in English! Your October looked beautiful. It might have been nice here too but the month flew by so quickly, I didn't notice.😯

    1. I know you weren't well, Kay. Hopefully, you are better now, and things are calming down a little for you.

  7. Lovely autumnal images. So bright and sharp. I especially like the vineyard pictures as vineyards are a very uncommon sight in Yorkshire.

    1. Thank you! It was one of those walks I wanted to capture for its beautiful light and colours. How good a blog is for that purpose.

  8. Beautiful landscape. How fortunate those of us are, who live within easy access of such countryside.

    1. Thank you, Cro! It is a beautiful part of the country, with the Black Forest on one side, the Rhine valley and views of France and the Vosges mountains on the other, and fertile land, picturesque villages, vineyards and orchards in between. No car needed for such walks, we simply step out of the cottage and walk up the hill behind the village.

  9. "wear a padded coat and even gloves". At first I read 'oven gloves' and the mental image was quite alarming.

    What strikes me when I see your landscapes is the vastness and the lack of the sea.Large areas of England are like that but most of accessible Highland Scotland is in sight of either sea or lochs unless surrounded by high mountains.

    Like you I have to use cognitive dissociation when eating meat - which I seem to do less and less. Although even when my partner (and therefore generally I too) was a vegetarian I wouldn't give up my occasional bacon roll in the morning if I was on the ferry or in a café (a home made one is not the same).

    1. I almost spilled my coffee when coming across the oven gloves in your comment - the mental image is rather amusing, I find!

      Living in close proximity to (or at least view of) the sea must be wonderful. I've never known it any other way than being hundreds of kilometers away from it, although I very much enjoy the view, the scent, sight and sound of the ocean when I get the chance to be near it. I do not necessarily have to be IN it.

      When I have to choose between meaty and non-meaty dishes, I usually opt for the vegatarian option. But a bacon roll... mmmh... good job I'm not hungry right now!

    2. "opt for the option" - what kind of English is that!
