Sunday 22 September 2024

The Week So Far

This week started rainy and chilly but then brought beautiful late summer weather, as if summer was giving us a good-bye gift, saying „remember what it was like - and see you again next year!“

Apart from working from home and running an errand for my Mum, I didn‘t do much on Monday (16.09.2024).

Tuesday (17.09.) was sunny. I worked at the office, dropped in at my sister‘s and spent the evening at the pub with my team coming second at the quiz. We had a fun night out.

The full moon was particularly beautiful that night.
Another day at the office on Wednesday 18.09.) and the return of summer, at least for a little longer, at 22C and unbroken sunshine.

Only the first half of the day was spent at the office. I then took a train into Stuttgart central for a work-related event I had organised. All went well, and a smaller group of us went for a meal together afterwards. I did some walking in the mellow afternoon and evening light in Stuttgart to get from A to B, which was nice.

Thursday (19.09.) was even warmer and again sunny throughout. I worked from home and went to my Mum‘s afterwards. We had a delicious meal and good chat. I was now not going to see my family for a little over two weeks, since O.K. and I were to leave for our customary September Hiking Holiday on Saturday.

sunrise from my kitchen window on Thursday

For me, that holiday started on Friday (20.09.) with packing my suitcase after work in the morning and cleaning in the afternoon. Trains were chaotic, necessitating quick changes of plans. I reached Offenburg about 45 minutes late, and we were at O.K.‘s cottage a little before 9 pm.

Phew! It doesn‘t look like it from what I have written here, but the week was pretty packed, and as always, people came up with all sorts of last minute tasks for me to finish urgently before going away for two weeks. I managed most and delegated the rest 😊

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