Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Horse Market - Part IV

Today's post will show you some more pictures from the Horse Market parade. Yes, it was a long and colourful parade - lasted a bit more than an hour, and it was never boring, at least not to me!

After having given you a very quick run through Ludwigsburg's history, I'll show you part of what makes up our town today: People who originally came from many different countries live and work here, and most of the time, we work and live rather well together. 
According to the City of Ludwigsburg's homepage, the numbers as of 31.12.2015 show that today, nearly 80 % of my hometown citizens have German citizenship, with just a little over half of them having an immigration background, i.e. they are "second generation" immigrants or have taken on German citizenship. Roughly 20 % are foreigners, i.e. not having German citizenship.

The Horse Market parade, along with some other festivities throughout the year, is always a welcome chance for groups from various countries to present themselves, their music, their customs and costumes, and (at the festivals) their food.

Here are some of the groups. Can you guess their countries of origin?

(Strictly speaking, this first set of pictures is not a group from some other country - you've already seen them on my last post. They squaredanced along the street, and it was fun watching them - maybe the pictures can convey a bit of that.)

Not all groups were carrying signs informing the crowds who they were, and I must admit I don't know all of them myself. But I remember most of them, and now it's your turn to guess and my turn to tell you whether you guessed right :-)


  1. How fun to see all these colorful costumes in the parade! I would be hopeless at guessing the countries they are meant to represent. I took a square dancing/folk dancing class in college, I really loved it!

    1. Square dancing does look like a lot of fun indeed! I've not been dancing in months - apart from the disco, which was only last week but doesn't count :-D

  2. Enjoying all the colourful costumes!

    1. There'll be a special post about "Fashion through the ages" based on more photos from the Horse Market parade, Monica. But I'm taking a little break of that particular event right now :-)
