Saturday, 11 June 2016


Just a quickie to show you my new short summer haircut :-)

I've wanted it really short already last time I went to the hairdresser's, but my hairdresser did not dare cutting off as much as that. She kept saying, "We can always cut more next time", and so we did! 
While I have my hair cut, of course I am not wearing my specs, and I can't really see what she's doing without them. Therefore, every time she wants to show me what I look like, we have to pause, I have to put my specs on again, and have a look.
This time (last Friday), we repeated this three times - each time I told her "More! Cut off more!" until I was happy with the result :-)

So far, I've had mixed reactions. Most people (including myself) really, really like it. People at work have hardly noticed a change. A friend of mine who has been running with me last week went "Nooo! The old hairstyle looked real sexy, now you look like a bloke!"
Actually, I don't think I look like a bloke - or, if so, it would be a rather feminine bloke :-)

Anyway, I am happy with it. You are free to comment... and I won't be offfended if you don't like it, honestly!


  1. At the risk of embarrassing you I would just say that you have an elegant long neck that in my view suits such a short hairstyle. Your running friend needs to make an appointment with an optician because if you look like a bloke, I look like a banana.

    1. No embarrassment here, Neil, just thank you for the compliment which I accept with a graceful bowing of my elegant neck :-D
      Well, when my running friend saw me, I was not wearing any lipstick, and in a more or less shapeless black t-shirt and black running pants and running shoes...

  2. You look great! I like your short shows off your neck, as YP says. :)

    What does O.K. think?

    1. Thanks, Jennifer!
      Hmm... he didn't say much, actually. I'll see him later today so maybe I'll simply ask what he thinks :-)

  3. Oh my dear, you have to have a pretty face to have a short hair cut, so...YOU"RE OKAY!
    HA! I like it, it suits you!
    My car said 100 degrees yesterday when I drove home, the heat is brutal, I need short hair! :-)

    1. I've always been of the opinion that my face is not the best feature about me (looks-wise, I mean), but thank you for implying that it is pretty enough to afford short hair :-)
      It was beautiful weather here Thursday and yesterday, not hot, just lovely summerly warm, but I didn't really have time to do anything with it. Now that the weekend is here, it is chilly and grey, with on-and-off rain...

    2. Sorry I wasn't clear. I am flat out saying you have a pretty face so you can go as short a haircut as you like! :-)
      I read my comment and wondered why I worded it that way and then, it hit reminds me of the words from the song "Matchmaker" from "The Fiddler On The Roof"...
      The matchmaker is trying to convince the girls that she has found a perfect match for them and she sings this:
      "You've heard he has a temper, he'll beat you day and night,
      but only when he's you're all right!"
      You know that lyrics are just sloshing around in my brain!

    3. Once again, thank you, Kay - I still think my face is not the prettiest bit about me, but I do like my shorter hair very much and it's good to know people don't run screaming in the opposite direction when they see me coming :-D

  4. It suits your face and you don't look like a bloke. You have a very pretty face in the vein of Audrey Hepburn who also wore this style of hair. Having short hair in a humid climate is such a good idea.

    1. Thank you! Usually, I have no trouble accepting a compliment. But "in the vein of Audrey Hepburn" is too much, I'm afraid. She is one lady whose beauty is timeless and absolute in my eyes, and I never ever, even remotely, associate my hairstyle or anything else about my looks with her - I am the opposite of her in so many respects, tall and strong where she was tiny and graceful, for instance.

  5. Meike, you have a very beautiful face and with its shape and structure short hair fits you perfectly! Nothing masculine about it at all. I do not like when hair stylists refuse to do what the customer desires. It is not their hair! I have to do the same thing with my glasses when I get my hair cut. You described it perfectly! It also amazes me sometimes how so many women cling to long hair, belittle women with short hair, and then every time I see them the hair is in a pony tail or a bun. How is that so much better than short hair? Oh well to each his/her own.

    1. Thank you, Softie, how flattering - you should see the photo on my passport, you'd never use the word "beautiful" for that :-D
      My hairdresser didn't outright refuse, she was just more cautious than I am. She told me of customers she's had who insisted on short and then didn't like it once it was done.
      You are right, most ladies who have beautiful long hair don't do much - if anything - with it.

  6. You haircut looks very elegant, it isn't that short, very short is to me where each stand of hair is very short, yours is styled at the back and with a fringe to the side.

    My hairdresser comes to our home, she listens, asks if I am sure and then does what I want, no talk about where we are going on holiday, no chit chat with other clients and friends whilst cutting my hair also no risk of other villagers seeing me covered in foii!

    1. Thank you, yes, it's not too short, I think.
      As for talking while having my hair done, I actually like the conversations my hairdresser and I have. She is also a neighbour and something like a friend. Also, it is fun listening to the elderly ladies talking while I am waiting for my colour to work. There is no nasty nattering going on, but they are usually kind and friendly with and about each other.

  7. Well whatever you look like Meike it's certainly not a bloke! I think men, on the whole, tend to prefer long hair and I used to be one of them. I can honestly say, though, that you really suit short hair. I think YP has a point: you have a very elegant neck and facial structure which is why the short hair suits.

    1. Graham, I'd love long, beautiful hair, but I know I can never have it and have long (!) come to terms with the fact. Long hair that's frizzy and not really healthy takes away a lot from the good looks of anyone, male or female, I think. So I rather wear mine short.
      I'll be about 5 inches taller now after so many comments about how elegant I look :-)

  8. You look great with this short haircut! Very elegant, indeed.

  9. I agree with Thickethouse. Elegant and chic! xoxox

    1. Thank you - I'd never have expected people to use the attribute "elegant" on me when I was in my teens and twenties :-)

  10. It suits you. Stylish and "professional". :)
