Monday 10 October 2022

A Welcome Day Off

Monday, the 3rd of October, was a public holiday here in Germany. On this day, the reunion of East and West Germany is celebrated. Various events are hold, such as concerts, special masses in church, and gatherings where politicians give speeches to remind us that this country was divided for 40 years and that it is possible to overcome differences if everybody makes a bit of an effort. Also, the fact that not a drop of blood was spilled to achieve this reunion is poignant now more than ever, in the view of war so close to Europe (and in way too many places all over the world).

To be honest, I did not celebrate the reunion in any particular way, but was simply glad for the chance to sleep a little longer and spend the day not tied to my desk and the computers.

After a quiet morning, the day followed the usual pattern of going to a testing station for my daily COVID test and then on to hospital, the officially negative result stored in my handbag.

My Mum and my sister were there, too. Afterwards, I walked home with my sister to her place and from there took off on my own. The weather was beautiful, sunny and mild, and I enjoyed that walk very much. Those of you who are also walkers know how much this simple activity contributes to one's physical and mental well-being.

As you can see, I was out until sunset and returned home in the dusk.

O.K. was 150 km away at home; the village brass band performed at a local tradeshow mid-afternoon which meant it wasn't feasible for him to drive all the way up to Ludwigsburg and back.

It was the start of a week of nearly unbroken sunshine; we did not see a single drop of rain in spite of some grey clouds casting fast-moving shadows every now and then.


  1. I wouldn't say Germany was "divided" so much as forcefully split. Maybe that's just semantics on my part.

    Autumn, with all its joys, also brings hues of melancholy. No doubt keenly felt by you with your father ailing. I envy those who will mourn their father's death. Should my own ever keel over at least he'll have a reason not to talk to me any longer. Breaking off all contact, periodically, has always been his way of attempting to beat me into submission. Worked for a long time. No more. Still, there is always an upside to a downside. Him not talking to me/emailing me means I am spared being bombarded with Goethe and Wilhelm Busch quotes. Both of whose works I know more or less by heart anyway.

    Finishing on the above "cheerful" note, I wish you, your sister, your mother and, of course, your father fortitude.

    Golden October greetings,

    PS I know all about the benefits of walking you mention. In rare moments of immediate dire need just pacing up and down my (rather long) corridor will suffice.

    1. Yes, of course the split of one country into two was forced upon this nation, but the division was certainly there (and in some regards, still is).

      Autumn always has me in two minds. Part of me wants to hang on to summer with its long daylight hours and warmth, not having to think about coats and scarves, but part of me loves the abundance of colours and produce nature has in store this time of year, and the cosy nights in.

      Thank you for your kind wishes, and goldene Oktober-Grüße zurück,

  2. We have had beautiful weather here too. Fall is my favorite season and so far ours has been really nice. I love your photos of the setting sun and I enjoyed your lovely walk!

    1. Thank you, Ellen! It was really nice and I was glad I had the opportunity. Soon, it will be too dark to venture out on the fields (there are no lights there) after work.

  3. Glad for you that you got such nice autumn weather on your day off, and was able to go for a walk. Although I don't walk as far as you, I know it makes a difference!

    1. One could wonder why this day off was so welcome so soon after my September holiday, but it truly was, and the good weather made it even better.

  4. You've certainly seen some lovely autumn scenery lately Meike - thanks for sharing so many photos. Your dad seems to have been hospitalized quite some time now - I hope so much his health is improving by now and he will going home soon.
    Best wishes to you and your family - Mary x

    1. Thank you, Mary. He has indeed been in hospital for more than 5 weeks now, but there is no question of him coming home, as his condition remains more or less the same with a constant need of medical care.

  5. I enjoy your blog. From what I can discern, you live in Germany and your friend lives away from you. I am new to blog country and trying to catch up.

    1. Thank you, Brenda.
      Yes, I am German and live in Germany, and my friend lives 150 km away.

    2. My ancestors came from Germany…love your blog.

  6. ...... this country was divided for 40 years and that it is possible to overcome differences if everybody makes a bit of an effort........
    A bit? A BIT? Eine Revolution war das!
    Gab es nicht mal den Tag der Deutschen Einheit? Gibt es den noch? Mir schwebt was von Juni vor.

    So ein Herbsttag ist wirklich was Wunderbares, wenn es mir ein bisschen auf die Seele drückt gehe ich schnell mal in die Landschaft und schon ist es weder besser.

  7. always problems with Google, the last comment is me, Friko here.

    1. Genau, früher (bis 1990) war der 17. Juni der Tag der deutschen Einheit (mit kleinem "d" - seit 1990 am 3. Oktober und mit großem "D").
      Für mich ist das Gehen und Draußen-sein von jeher die beste Methode, mit allem umzugehen, was mich beschäftigt. Darüber zu schreiben ist auf Platz 2, und Schlaf kommt ganz dicht dahinter.

  8. Just popping in to say hello! I hope all is well, Meike.

    1. I'm afraid it isn't, Ellen. Thank you for your concern. I'll be writing again in about a week or so.

    2. I too came looking to find you as you havebeen so quiet and I feared what that might mean.... - sorry to hear this and I am sure we are all thinking of you and your family.

    3. Thank you, Fi. I will soon start posting again, probably next week.

  9. We are having hot weather here in Sicily again, but mostly in the 25s and 26s, not so hot as before ... Yes I thin FAM refers to Family Tours, I'm not sure, I found out about it from a local daily newpaper, in fact it's called IL Locale.

    1. It has been unseasonably warm here, too; yesterday, we were out for a walk and for most of the time, a t-shirt was enough and a cardigan not necessary.

  10. I was watching a programme on tv the other night, may have been on Netflix, a documentary from Germany, where many people in the former GDR were saying life was better before reunification and they did not like a unified Germany. I think it takes a long time for things to change for the better, and many of these interviews may have taken place immediately after the reunification and hopefully now people are more settled with it.

    1. The so-called "ostalgia" (nostalgy for the old Ost-Deutschland) is stronger than ever. Many in the eastern parts of Germany feel they are still not up to the same living standard as most people in the west are. And only yesterday morning I heard a radio interview where it was said that anyone with a foreign-sounding last name "foreign looking" was facing a lot more prejudice and problems there as here. I have of course no way to verify it for myself, but I keep hearing and reading this, and of course I do not mean to say all east-Germans are like that.

  11. I've been away from the computer for a short while, and I'm wondering how your father is. I want you to know I care about you during this hard time for him.

    1. Thank you, dear Jill. I will write about my Dad soon.

  12. Concerned about you and the family dear friend - hope you will be back here soon. Hugs…..

    1. Not sure who you are, Anonymous (Mary?), but thank you for your concern and the hug. I plan to post tomorrow.

    2. Yes, it was me, Mary.
