Thursday, 8 September 2016

Yorkshire Holiday 2016: Ripon Canal

Here I was, thinking yesterday's post about Harewood House was going to be my last "proper" Yorkshire Holiday post for this year - and this morning, I found that I had completely forgotten about the "one last walk" I took in the late afternoon before our departure!
As you know, I particularly like that time of day for its mellow light and generally more relaxed atmosphere (although I like busy market mornings, too).

I had not really been along Ripon Canal yet this holiday, so this was my last chance to go.

A good way to access the path along the canal is via Littlethorpe, and so that's the way I went. Littlethorpe's former school house has long been turned into a private home. It is one of the most charming houses I know:

Church at Littlethorpe:

Ripon Canal:

A grassy path! You know how much I like them, don't you!

Here, the canal looks more like a river. But the actual river runs parallel to it and can't be seen from where I was.

 Almost back in town now:

 As usual, Ripon Cathedral is never far away:

Now this really was my last "proper" post about this year's Yorkshire Holiday. I still have a lot to tell and show you, but less in a chronological way and more sorted into topics. I hope you enjoyed this last walk in/around Ripon with me as much as I did!


  1. Thanks for another nice Yorkshire walk.
    I went over to Wikipedia to find out about Ripon Canal.

    1. Thank you! I often look to wikipedia for detail when I post about monuments, people or history, but this time you beat me to it.
      There is a typo in the small "map" of the canal - the River "Lavel" is actually the Laver.

  2. What a beautiful walk...Water is so special, isn't it! (a very rhetorical question!) I feel peaceful and happy when I am near water, the ocean, a river or a lake or just a little garden feature!

  3. Well, as long as there isn't some sort of storm, I feel peaceful.

    1. And as long as there aren't clouds of mosquitoes drifting about!
      It is a very nice walk there along the canal, really very relaxing. I guess if I lived in Ripon, this would be one of my preferred routes for running.

  4. I think I'd love to live in flat with a view like that, overlooking a canal :)

    1. They look nice, those flats, don't they! And although the building is relatively new, it fits in well and does not look the intrusive kind of modern one sometimes finds.
      The three rivers in Ripon (and the canal, I assume) do flood, though, so I am not sure I would want to live so close by after all.

  5. I've really enjoyed reading all about your Yorkshire holiday and the various outings you've had. You certainly do know how to 'see a place' that you visit and show it off to us. :)

    1. Glad you liked my rather detailed account :-)
      By showing it off to you, I make the whole experience last longer.

  6. Ripon certainly looks inviting - I think you had an amazing vacation again, but then you being such a positive lady I think you probably make the most of all your vacations and travels! The wildflowers blooming looked so lovely.

    "Way to go" as we say over here!

    1. Ripon very much feels like home to me now, "a home away from home", as the saying goes. You are probably right about my being positive about things has something to do with it.

  7. Ripon looks like such a lovely, relaxing place. We don't have countryside here where we can walk so I often go to the beach and take long walks there.

    1. It definitely is a lovely place, Francesca.
      Well, the nearest beach from where I live is about 600 km or more away, so we have to make do with walks in the countryside :-)
