Sunday 8 October 2023

Austria: Red Kites and Rain

Monday, the 18th of September, was our next-to-last full day in Bizau. Rain was forecast, so we did not start on a long walk or hike, but stayed in the vicinity.

It didn't look too bad at 7:00 in the morning.

After a post-breakfast walk, the rain set in as predicted, and we spent the rest of the morning in the lounge (the only place in the hotel with internet access), catching up on reading emails and blogs as well as books and magazines. Among other things, I came across a very good interview with Dolly Parton.

It looked a little brighter in the early afternoon, and so we went for another walk, wisely wearing our rain coats (and needing them for part of the walk). Across the swampy meadows between the village and the woods, red kites were flying a most beautiful ballet. We just stood and watched them for a while.

Back at the hotel, we opted for coffee and cake; being the only guests around at that time felt relaxing and quiet, like the whole day had been.
Nobody had signed up for the sauna, so we filled the slot before dinner there.

A cosy, quiet day; I enjoyed those walks around the village, the time spent reading and of course the red kites. 


  1. I love Red Kites. They are now very prolific again in Scotland but not, unfortunately, here in the Hebrides.

    1. We love them, too, and see them frequently in O.K.'s area as well as here. They can do some quite spectacular swooping and diving, wonderfully choreographed.

  2. Sounds like you were winding down to get ready to return to your busy lives. I'm glad you had such nice relaxing days to finish off your adventure, Meike.

    1. We still had the entire week off but had to vacate our room on the Wednesday. I like returning home not on the very last day or night before starting work again.
