Friday 13 October 2023

Back to Ludwigsburg

Our stay in Austria ended on Wednesday, the 20th of September

Last pictures from our hotel room before breakfast that morning.

After breakfast, packing and checking out of the hotel, we stopped at a dairy shop to buy edible souvenirs (mainly cheese) for ourselves and the loved ones at home before starting on the drive to Ludwigsburg.

At first, all went well, but near the city of Ulm we got stuck for 1.5 hours in a traffic jam that spanned around 20 km. We arrived at my place shortly after 3:00 pm, perfect time for coffee.

Unpacking, starting the washing machine and a quick trip to Aldi for fresh groceries were in order, and at 7:00 pm, we met up with my Mum and my sister for a welcome back meal at our nearby favourite Italian restaurant.

Both O.K. and I were going back to work only on the Monday, so we still had the rest of the week together. On Thursday (Sept. 21), we spent the morning at home. After a leisurely breakfast and some ironing etc., early afternoon we walked into town, then to the palace grounds, through the deer park and on to the small palace by the lake where we rested and waited for the weekly Wine After Work to begin (I had mistakenly thought it started at 5:00 pm, but it was 6:00).

Sunrise that day, as seen from my kitchen window. A very different view than what we had for the last 10 days!

Ludwigsburg Palace

In the palace grounds

The small palace in the deer park (called Favorite Palace)

By the lake, just before the first spot of rain.
We enjoyed a glass or two of wine before walking home. Twice during that time, it rained briefly (and not heavily).

For Friday evening (Sept. 22), we were due at my Mum's for her home-made savoury pancakes with creamy mushrooms and salad; a lovely meal to end our two weeks together. During the day, O.K. and I had been to Stuttgart for a visit at one of our favourite shops. What a contrast to the quiet, green mountains where we'd just spent ten days! 

I would not want to live in the big city, but the occasional visit can be fun - especially when I'm not in a hurry, as I usually am when I go there for my regular eye check-ups.

Saturday, the 23rd of September, was slightly cooler at 18-19C/65F (it had been 27C/80F on Wednesday), but sunny. O.K. drove home after breakfast, giving himself the rest of the weekend to get sorted before work started again on Monday.

I gave my flat a thorough cleaning and even did my windows, something I do far too rarely. Later, I went out to the fields for a couple of hours; the first walk on my own in two weeks, passing at my Dad's and friend R's bird markers on the cemetery. A quiet evening with some blogging, reading, TV and my favourite computer game folllowed.

An equally beautiful day followed on Sunday (Sept. 24 - 3 months to Christmas Eve!). I blogged, finished my tax report, played my PC game for a bit and then set off for what used to be my Mum and my favourite walk from Marbach to Steinheim. It feels always good to revisit some of those familiar places and is part of my way of "coming home" properly after I've been away for a while.

Look what I saw from my bedroom window at 8:30 that morning! (Click to enlarge)
I was very tired that evening and had a bit of a headache (probably because I'd not been drinking enough water during my four hour walk).

Our September holiday was really over.

The leaf and the small piece of rock I collected during our hikes; I pressed the leaf under my water bottle at the hotel room and later glued it into my diary; the rock sits on the window sill in my kitchen.


  1. WWell and truly home! It's been good following your walks and particularly seeing the mountains and landscapes I can only enjoy vicariously now. Someone said to me recently that "Mountains are mountains." But then some people have no eyes and no soul.

    1. Yes, of course mountains are mountains, the same way clouds are clouds and people are people - no two are the same, no matter how similar they appear at first clance.

  2. You sound so happy, Meike! Your joy comes through on your posts and it's so nice to hear!

    1. Thank you, Ellen! I am happy with and in my life.
      Of course, I have my sad hours (or days), too; Thursday was the 1st anniversary of my Dad's death. All of Wednesday, I could not shake off the thought that, a year ago that day, he was still alive. And of course, specifically remembering one of our loved ones who are not with us anymore triggers thoughts of all the others. It's important, I think, and part of life.

  3. Sounds nice that you had a few free days at home as well, before going back to work.

    1. I usually plan that way; I hate coming back at the last minute without any time for reflection and getting ready.

  4. Souinds like a great holiday and such lovely walks and food and relaxation. It must have felt slightly lonely and quiet when O.K. went back to his home after spending so much time together.

    1. It always feels odd, that first day and night on my own, after a holiday together where we‘ve been with each other 24/7. But daily life with work and everything else soon sets in, and then of course we usually speak twice a day on the phone, and the next weekend is just round the corner.

  5. I love the pictures from your hotel room window of the foggy fields! When I went to Germany I didn't visit Ludwigsburg but those beautiful palaces make me regret that. Especially if wine is involved. :)

    1. There is something magical about clouds, fog and mist, I think. Watching a band of fog slowly furling along the bottom of the valley or among the trees was fascinating, the view changing within seconds.
      Ludwigsburg is well worth a visit with its palaces, parks and beautiful market square (and wine 😊).

  6. That little palace is charming. I wonder if it was a hunting lodge. It must have felt a little strange to say goodbye to O.K, but it's great that you can slip back into your home life so happily and be content both ways!

    1. It was indeed meant to host hunting parties, but never overnight - no bedrooms there, but a large dining hall in the middle and smaller rooms around it, for the duke's guests to have drinks and chat, play cards and so on.
      When O.K. and I have spent more than just a weekend together, at first it always feels a little strange to be on our own again.
