Saturday 12 August 2023

Back To Work

The first week back to work was a mix of very intense and quieter days, where I hardly saw my desk versus hours spent on speficic tasks requiring much concentration.
I also did enough walking to keep me happy :-)

On Monday (the 7th of August), I was glad to be working from home. Checking my various email inboxes showed that a mere 138 messages were waiting for me.
I closed my work laptop at 5:00 pm and was out of the door 20 minutes later, on my customary walk to Benningen.
As I arrived at the tiny station there, it was announced that the train I had intended to take back to Ludwigsburg was cancelled, and in the local trains app on my phone I saw that because of a technical problem, trains would not run to Benningen at all but stop at Freiberg, the small town between Benningen and Ludwigsburg.
Apples ripening in the sun


After almost two hours of walking, I was not too keen on walking another hour back to Freiberg on a hungry stomach, but I did not seem to have much choice. To add variety, I chose not to walk back on the same path, but try different paths where I'd not been before. It was enjoyable, but I must admit I was quite glad to reach Freiberg station, and even more glad to be home - it was 9:00 pm by now, and I had not eaten since my lunch break.
Part of my unplanned extra hour of walking

A path I had never walked before
And guess what: While I was walking to Freiberg, a train whizzed past me... so the originally cancelled train DID run, after all!!

Tuesday was my first day back at the office. My boss and my colleagues were pleased to see me, and we quickly prioritised tasks for the day. Because of many meetings, I hardly got anything done, but was satisfied with what I had achieved until 5:30 pm.

Another day at the office on Wednesday; it was overcast and grey with a shower in the evening. I went to my Mum's after work, where the three of us (Mum, sister and I) had a delicious vegetable soup, made with produce from my sister's allotment. 
For me, that day also marked the end of High Summer and the start of Late Summer. Why? Because for the first time this year, I spotted the beautiful orange "lantern flowers" in a garden on my way to work. To me, they say "late summer" along with rosehips and some other noticeable changes in the gardens and on the fields.

Thursday was a perfect summer's day - sunny and dry, pleasantly warm at 25C (77F) without being hot. 
View from my kitchen window at 6:17 in the morning

My Mum and I had long been thinking about going to an event called Wine After Work at the beautiful small palace by the lake (Monrepos - you have seen it on my blog many times), but today was the first time it was possible in terms of weather and my schedule. Mum's friend R who lives in the same house drove herself and my Mum there, while I wanted to walk.
The atmosphere was very nice; no music blaring, people of all ages just quietly enjoying their drinks (and some food), and watching the sun set over the lake.

On the way back up from the lake towards the suburb Eglosheim

Asperg, seen from a different perspective

I liked how the setting sun was lighting up the power lines.

I had my confirmation at this church at 14, and sang in the choir for a few years.

The weekend started effectively on Friday afternoon, but that will be my next post.


  1. A pain on the train.
    There will come the day when you won't have to go to work, and you'll miss it for a while.

    1. I actually like what I do, and most of the people I work with. It will be at least another 12 years before I retire, depending on my financial situation and whether the government changes the age threshold for retirement again.

  2. Hi Meike -- thanks for your comment on my blog re. my Waldkirch photo! I am also about to go back to work, in my case on Monday. I'm sure our library will be a complete mess so there will be plenty to do. (There's always maintenance and construction work in the summer and the workers move everything around.)

    1. Hi Steve! My Mum used to work at a school library, a branch of our town‘s main library where I worked. During school holidays Mum still had to go in although it wasn‘t open, but as you know very well, there is always a lot of work to do behind the scenes. I quite liked the atmosphere in the quiet, empty building, so different from school time.

  3. *A path I had never walked before* : A caption that caught my eye.
    These green roads (* my unplanned extra hour of walking *) are magical.
    Wine After Work should happen here. No intrusive music. A blessing.

    Years ago a woman in Dundee started the Right To Peace & Quiet Society.
    I can't find any trace of her online so perhaps she has died or had to admit defeat.
    A friend is a harmonica player and plays Jason Ricci & James Clark in his car.
    I like their riffs (Clark's Work Song) but the drumming is like a drill in my brain.

    A hungry walk to Freiberg ! I hope it never happens again.
    I have a bottle of non-sugar Lemon & Lime Water from Tesco's when I go out.
    I'm aye thirsty but can go hours between meals. My waist is the same as it was at 18.

    1. Correction.
      William Clarke (1951-1996) American blues harmonica player.

      I am abnormally sensitive to jarring sounds.
      Why can't more music be as gentle as Voces8 or the piano playing of Bill Evans ?

      *Voces8 - Jesus bleibet meine Freude J.S. Bach.* YouTube.
      *Bill Evans - My Foolish Heart.* YouTube.
      He played more than once at Ronnie Scott's Club in London.

    2. When I plan for a longer walk or when it its very hot, I carry my water bottle and sometimes a muesli bar or similar - but not that time, as I was certain to be home much sooner than 9:00 pm.

      Peace & quiet are so important. Many people do not even realise how the constant noise around them stresses them, even just having the radio on all the time.

  4. That was bad luck about the train! And a whole lot of walking, especially on an empty stomach. Wine After Work looks like a fun thing to do at the end of a long week. About two miles from my house part of our downtown area has "Fridays After Five" on Friday evenings in the summer. There are usually small bands along with wine and beer available. It's too hot and crowded for us, though, even though it sounds fun.

    1. Fridays After Five sounds like something I would enjoy, as long as the music is not too loud (or too bad). Have you never been, with your girlf friends for instance?

  5. You had a lot of walking this week! Better than me! I spent the week in the hospital! Tuesday morning my son called an ambulance for me as I woke with an irregular heart beat and lots of upsetting symptoms (Afib). Came home yesterday and getting better each day. Not a fun week for me! Spent my birthday in the hospital!!

    1. Dear Ellen, I am so sorry to hear that! It must have been scary and worrying, but what a relief to be back home and getting better.
      Good to know your son is around. He did the right thing.

  6. I am glad you are able to get out to social events with your mother. I used to do things with my mum like you do together, it is good to be able to do things together, and with your sister too.

    1. It is, and it is good that we live close enough to each other to meet whenever we want.

  7. For me, the end of summer comes when we start to pick blackberries. There's a wonderful bush near us and the flavour of the wild blackberries is fantastic. I'm always a bit sad when summer is coming to an end, but it is some consolation. How frustrating about the train! I suppose they fixed the technical problem while you were on your unplanned walk!

    1. When I am out on the fields, this time of year I observe people picking wild blackberries - yes, definitely another sign of the approaching end of summer. This week, though, we're in for high temperatures again, and we often have better weather in September than in July and August.
      Like you, the transition from late summer to early autumn makes me sad but at the same time looking forward to autumn, which can be a wonderful season.

  8. I read this post without thinking about a comment and got lost in thoughts of your week. When reading the comments I came across "Peace & quiet are so important. Many people do not even realise how the constant noise around them stresses them, even just having the radio on all the time." It occurred to me thatI would feel the same but for the fact that I live in constant natural silence or noise unless I decide to create it. The only natural noise I hear in my home is when a particularly strong storm manages to penetrate my hugely thick and solid walls via the rather less double-glazed windows. I know people who have the radio on constantly but I don't.

    1. You are fortunate in being surrounded by natural silence, Graham. Many would, I imagine, find it too quiet or even eerie, because they are not used to it. I know people who have the radio on all the time, too - even when they are on their allotment or in the garden, where it would be wonderful to just hear the birds.
