Wednesday 16 August 2023

Summer Weekend

Last weekend was very warm, if not to say hot, and humid. 

On Friday (11th of August), the thermometer reached 30 C (86 F), but it remained sunny and dry throughout.

Unusual cloud formation we spotted on our way to the supermarket

Early supper on Friday evening...

...with home-baked plum cake from O.K.'s Mum for dessert.
O.K. arrived a couple of hours earlier than usual, enabling us to fit a lot into the evening: An early-ish supper (ciabatta baked with olives and feta, a selection of cheeses and a chilled rosé) followed by a quick trip to the biggest supermarket nearby for a birthday gift we are going to need later this month, and then on to the Weinlaube, Ludwigsburg's annual wine fest. 

We go there every year, and as it runs a full two weeks and is only a 10 minute walk from my house, repeated visits are possible. I have written about it a few times on my blog; for instance in 2018, the year I turned 50.

As we approached the Weinlaube, the hum of voices became a buzz. The court behind the city hall was packed - it was only the 2nd night of the fest, and it seemed like at least half of Ludwigsburg's 94,000 inhabitants were there, plus visitors and tourists :-D

It was the kind of situation where you need to be in the mood for crowds, or just turn round and go home (or elsewhere). We stayed, got ourselves something to drink and spent the evening people watching, talking, "making friends" (it is amazing how friendly and chatty perfect strangers can become at such occasions) and having fun when the live band started to play.

The wine fest logo is projected on the back of the city hall.

We were at the side of the stage with a good view of the band.

We stayed until the music ended, and came through my front door at 1:01 am.

It was my Mum's 79th birthday on Saturday, the 12th of August. For the first time since her 16th, she had to celebrate without my Dad. I imagine it was not easy emotionally, but she was happy to be surrounded by friends and family. 14 of us met for a leisurely lunch at a farm shop/restaurant on the outskirts of Ludwigsburg, where we have been on several occasions (the last time before this was after the two funerals of my Dad and friend R in October and November).

The food was good and conversation flowed freely, but an approaching thunderstorm made us move inside from our outdoor tables. Once the rain stopped, most of the guests made their way home, but a small group of us gathered in the beautiful garden of Mum's friend who lives on the ground floor in the same house as she. One more drink and nibbles, and then we, too, called it a day and went home for a late afternoon nap before it was time for a light supper and a quiet night in.

Sunday brought a mix of sun and rain; it was still hot and humid, not inviting for much activity. For our breakfast, I went to the bakery 10 minutes from where I live to get fresh rolls and croissants. After multiple checks of satellite images and weather forecast, we decided on an afternoon walk in town, ending up with about 10 km under our belts and only a few drops of rain having reached us, hardly worth mentioning.

Our fields and gardens are so much greener again after frequent rain.
On the way back, we stopped for ice creams; truly delicious.

At home, a brief nap followed by coffee was next, then I did a spot of ironing before it was time to cook. My sister had given me green and yellow beans from her allotment, and I made them with spuds and goulash. We paired this with a red wine I had been given for my birthday from O.K.'s sister - only a small glass for each of us, followed by an espresso, since O.K. was driving home that same evening.

When he left around 20 past 8, I knew I had 40 minutes before sunset, and went for a short walk around the neighbourhood. It was beautiful in the evening light, and did me good after the meal; just right to end this summer weekend.

View from my Third Room (study/office).


  1. A long last it is beginning to feel a bit more summery here. Those funny clouds might be contrails.

    1. Hello Anonymous, they were clouds, no doubt about that - my photo only shows part of the sky, but with the whole view it was obvious.

  2. Your food photos look so yummy, Meike! That festival looks like a lot of fun and I'm glad you two enjoyed it. Happy belated Birthday to your Mom! Hope her year is filled with good health and fun adventures!

    1. Thank you, Ellen!
      The Weinlaube really was fun - but one has to "want it", and I have to be in the right mood, too. Some people never or hardly ever go because it is so packed, and they don't like the music (or wine in the first place!).
      Thank you for your kind wishes for my Mum. I am sure she reads your comment.

    2. Hello Ellen D. Thank you for your good wishes! I will do my very best! ;-)) Meike's mum

  3. That cloud formation conjures up a creature from outer space holding a snake.

    1. It's great, isn't it! I often look at the sky when I'm out (always careful to look where I'm going, though.)

  4. That Cloud Formation is a message from the gods.
    Unlike (some) crop circles we know that the formation can't be man-made.
    Supper of goulash & red wine is just the place to discuss metaphysical matters !
    Coffee & plum cake to follow. A good night's sleep and no dreams of alien abduction !

    1. As far as I can remember, I have never dreamt of aliens, let alone an alien abduction :-D
      A good night's sleep is precious - not easy when after a hot day the night does not get any cooler than 20 or 21 C, and even with windows wide open the air that comes in does not feel fresh.

  5. This must have been hard for your mother, happy occasions, strangely, often making the sense of loss feel all the greater. I send her belated birthday wishes for a peaceful and healthy year to come. So good that you and your sister are close by. With love.

    1. Thank you!
      Yes, such occasions are milestones in grieving, as I know very well from my husband‘s death (nearly 14 years ago). The first Christmas, the first birthday, the first anniversary etc. without that particular person feel strange.

  6. Wonderful cloud formations both in the first picture - and in the two last ones as well :)

    1. Thank you, Monica. I just can‘t NOT look at the sky 😊

  7. Your meals always look so simple and delicious!

  8. Having a lot of catching up to do with your Yorkshire holiday and so on it was good to get the feel of a good Ludwigsburg weekend in all it's social glory. Ending with your, as always, beautiful pink tinged fluffy high clouds. They are so different from my clouds - even the occasional fluffy ones.

    1. You being by the Sea have different skyscapes, and I imagine there is much more wind than where I live, making those skyscapes change quicker than here.
