Monday 21 August 2023

Mid-August Week

Last week, only one day was under 30C/86F (Tuesday at 29C); all the other days we saw the thermometer reach 30 and beyond. It was mostly humid, too, making the heat harder to bear, and there were several thunderstorms. But it was mid-August, after all - so neither a big surprise nor anything to complain about.

Sad news on Monday (August 14): One of the lovely cats in the same house as my Mum (they are my Mum's friend's; she lives on the ground floor, my Mum in the attic flat) was run over by a lorry right in front of the house. Thankfully, neither my Mum's friend nor Mum saw it happening, but a neighbour across the street did. He said the lorry was speeding well past the limit and did not slow down at all, probably completely unaware of what happened. At the allowed speed, the driver maybe would have spotted the cat, and poor beautiful loveable Keks (cookie) would still be alive. The only consolation is that it was all over in an instant (and I suppose we all know how daft cats can sometimes be around cars, trying to dash across at the last possible moment).

Keks ("cookie") in his garden. He loved being around his Human and feline companion and was very affectionate.
The day was too hot for much activity, with a thunderstorm in the afternoon bringing hail the size of hazelnuts. It cleared up just before sunset, allowing for a short walk of 45 minutes around the neighbourhood, where I met a very friendly grey cat.

Working at the office on Tuesday, the 15th of August, was in order, as along with a group of colleagues I was giving a presentation in front of people who were quite important for that particular task. All went well, and I feel good about this group; we've been put at that task together but usually have hardly anything to do with each other, so it was anyone's guess how well (or not) we'd be able to work together.

As it was not too hot and humid that afternoon (29 C/84.2F), I walked home from Zuffenhausen, enjoying the fresher air on the fields as opposed to in town.

No pictures from the fields this time, but this disused industrial brick chimney not far from my house where flowers grow out of the brickwork at great height.
Usually, Wednesdays are on-site days, but since everyone in my department (including my boss) was either on holiday or working from home, I did not bother to go in that day, either. A wise decision, as it was again really hot with a thunderstorm, followed by a beautiful double rainbow later.
I was waiting for the rainbow to appear...

...and was not disappointed!

My supper that day: Omelette, avocado, a slice of bread with creamy cheese & chives, and a glass of chilled tomato juice.
A similar pattern on Thursday (August 17); around 30C, sun, then a thunderstorm, then the sun came out once more, but at a pleasant 25C. My Mum and I met up for the Weinlaube (see my previous post to learn more about the festival) and had a great evening out with wine, food and music. 
Glass empty :-(

Glass full :-)

My Mum enjoying a dry white
To my surprise, I found out that one of the founders of the evening's live band (a different one plays every night during Weinlaube) was a former class mate, and so during the break I went to chat with him and his wife for a while. We had not seen each other in 30 years but there was instant recognition on both sides.
The band "Resonance" with my class mate at the far right.

Ludwigsburg's market square a few minutes after sunset.
Friday, the 18th of August, was over 30C but not humid. My sister and I spent our lunch break at our Mum's and had a delicious meal on the balcony until the wasps drove us inside. 

After finishing work and cleaning my flat, I packed my little red suitcase and headed to the train station. With only a 10 minute delay, I arrived in Offenburg, where O.K. picked me up. We enjoyed our supper on the balcony and stayed out long after dark, looking at the stars.

It was above 30C again on Saturday, but in the morning, the balcony was still in the shade, and so it was the best place for our first coffee. Some jobs in the house (for me) and outside (for O.K.) needed doing before we set everything up in the courtyard for a family BBQ. The six of us (O.K.'s parents, his sister and her husband, O.K. and I) enjoyed the salads, crusty bread, sausages and meat along with cool drinks.

On Sunday (August 20) early afternoon, we were invited at friends of O.K.'s who live in a village only a 15 minute drive away, but have never met me (and that's us having been together now for 7 1/2 years). 

Outside their house in the shade of the open porch/barn, they served iced coffee and home-made creamy cakes decorated with their own raspberries - very summerly, and very pleasant. We sat and chatted for longer than intended, and so our supper back at O.K.'s cottage was a little later than usual, with hardly any daylight left on the balcony. O.K. grilled what meat (beef steak) and sausages (spicy merguez eaten with a dollop of harrissa) we had not eaten on Saturday and made a tomato-mozzarella salad to go with it.

It would have been nice to do some stargazing again, but as usual, Monday morning meant an early start for both of us, and so we went to bed as soon as we'd cleared up the kitchen and the BBQ things.

The hottest week (or maybe second hottest?) of this summer was over.


  1. We are having very warm weather here this week but it should start cooling off next week (I hope). I am starting to get out and about since I am feeling much better now. I'm just doing a little each day to build up my strength.
    Nice pictures, Meike. They really go well with your post!

    1. Thank you, Ellen!
      That's the sensible thing to do, Ellen; a little each day can get you far.
      We're expecting a rather drastic drop in temperature by Saturday, after thunderstorms on Friday.

  2. We call your weather 'Austria Weather' because it is what we had when on holiday there, a long time ago now.
    It often disturbs me to meet someone from the distant past.
    Distressing about Keks.

    1. Most of the time, I enjoy meeting someone I've not seen in a long time. And if not - I don't have to see them again if I don't want to.
      Yes, it is always distressing to lose a pet. With cats, it's the price to pay for letting them out, but I would never have a cat live indoors only with no access to the outdoors - I'd rather not have a cat at all if I could not provide it with some freedom.

  3. Poor Keks! That IS a very nice double-rainbow, though, and Weinlaube looks fun! (Well, at least when the glass is full. :) )

    1. The rainbow was even more luminous to the naked eye; my old iphone's camera can not fully do it justice.
      Yes, Weinlaube is fun, if you're ready for LOTS of people on a small space - I am not always, but when I go, I know what to expect :-)

  4. Is the grey cat in the photo Keks? If so, I should tell you, it is the spitting image of my dear departed "Blue" cat. It gave me a real start to see a picture of what could have been my so loved kitty. You continue to thrill me with your posts! I hope to be a companion on many more walks with you.

    1. No, Jill, that's a cat I met on my evening walk that day (see what I wrote above the first picture). Keks looked entirely different. I may add a photo of him to this post.
      I am glad you like my posts, even if they are simply reports of my daily life.

  5. What a really heart warming post despite the unfortunate demise of Keks. Despite the 'glass empty' photo you looked and sounded really happy and content. Not that that's very unusual but it really came across today.

    1. I noticed that too Graham as well as how lovely Meike's mother looked.

    2. Thank you, Graham and Jill. My Mum will be pleased to read your last comment, Jill :-)
      Most of the time, I am happy and content - how could I not be, with the kind of good life I have?

  6. So sad to read of that lovely cat's demise. I would love a cat now for company (dogs are out as I can no longer take a dog for a walk) I live on quite a busy road and I just couldn't bear it if my cat got run over.
    Your Mum looks a lovely lady. (and you do too of course)

    1. Thank you, Pat! I think the two of you have a lot in common - you both love fashion and are lovely ladies, and not just in terms of looks.
      Yes, it's so sad to lose a pet, and you certainly don't want to have to deal with that.

  7. Your hot weather in mid/late August reminds me of my trip to Germany 40 (!) years ago, I remember it was very hot especially when I was in Trier, the last few days of August...

    1. Our summer weather was (and still is) often quite unpredictable, but the average temperature has perceivably risen over the last few decades.
      This week has been just as hot, but it is forecast to cool off (after thunderstorms) on Saturday.

  8. How amazing that you and OK have been a couple for seven and a half years! I can hardly believe it. So sorry that Keks was killed but at least everybody knows what happened. There is no lingering mystery

    1. You're right, Neil. Not having one's cat come home at the usual time and not knowing where he or she is and what happened is even harder.
