Monday 15 January 2024

Frosty Week

All of last week, the termometer did not reach above freezing point. We had cold nights and mornings, -8C/17F being the coldest I experienced. No new snow fell after what came down last Sunday night, but because of the cold, it simply remained where it was, hardly melting under the sun. Yes, the sun! Several sunny days in a row were really enticing for walks, but never very long; the cold eventually made itself felt, no matter how warm I dressed.

My longest walk last week was on Monday (8 January) when I took two hours out of work in the afternoon, not having any meetings, and walked my standard route to Benningen. At -3C/26F, it was not too bad as long as I was moving.

View from my kitchen window at 1/4 past 8:00 that morning...

... and at 1/4 to 2:00 in the afternoon.

On the way to Benningen

An uneventful day was spent at the office on Tuesday (9 January); waiting at the train station was not very nice at -7C/19F, but I survived :-)

Maybe some of you have noticed that I work at the office mostly on Wednesdays, not Tuesdays. I changed that last week, because train drivers were on strike from Wednesday to Friday.

Wednesday (10 January) was another sunny but crispy cold day. 

After work, my sister, my Mum, two close friends and I met at our favourite Italian restaurant to celebrate my sister's birthday. That place is our favourite not because of the food (although it is good, I wouldn't call it excellent), but mainly because we like the familiar atmosphere and the nearness - we can all walk there within 10-15 minutes from our respective homes, and are made to feel very welcome, no matter how busy.

It was nice to bump into two friends of mine who happened to be there, too; we had a brief chat, but of course I was there for my sister and so we really kept it brief.

The thermometer showed -4C/24F on Thursday (11 January), and it was sunny again. I made use of that late afternoon, walking on the fields for 2 hours and taking in the sunset. By the time I arrived home, I was really glad to get back to the warmth of my flat.

A shady figure!

There's the shady figure again!

View from the opposite direction of what is one of my favourite places.

O.K. and I were spending the weekend separately; we both had separate and time-conflicting appointments and so decided to remain each at our own place.

Friday (12 January) saw me working as usual, but already at 3:30 in the afternoon, I had to leave in order to be on time for a meeting related to my volunteer work. 

As part of a group of around 40 people, I was invited to view and evaluate different plans and ideas for how the former industrial area next to the train station could be opened to the public for different uses. I wrote about that area on my blog a few times, for instance here.

The event lasted until after 7:00 pm, by which time I just wanted to go home and settle in front of the TV for a quiet evening.

With an early bedtime on Friday, I was up early on Saturday (13 January) and finished all my cleaning etc. before meeting my Mum and my sister in town at 11:00. After a few errands, we were glad to be out of the cold and sit in a café for an early spot of lunch - very nice (the café and the food), very full (the café) and very filling (the food) :-)

My Mum took the bus home, while my sister and I walked first to her place to drop off her groceries etc., then on to my Mum's. We helped pack and put away most of her Christmas decorations; a lot of climbing up and down a ladder to the attic is involved, much easier for us than for her.

Coffee and a remainder of Christmas cookies were welcome before going home, where I spent another quiet evening relaxing, reading, playing my favourite computer game and watching TV.

Sunday (14 January) was just as sunny and cold as it had been during the week. I fully intended to go for a long-ish walk, but was back after only 1 1/2 hours - actually, not as much because of the cold, but mainly because I needed the toilet, and since no shops are open on Sundays (and I was not near any shops anyway), I had no alternative but go home.

Now let me treat you to photos O.K. sent me - he spent Sunday afternoon walking in the Black Forest near the village for nearly 15 km, and look how beautiful it was:

I just wish I could have been with him! My urban walk - apart from being only half as long and far as his - can't compete:

But don't get me wrong - I really like my hometown, which I hope is obvious from when I blog about it.

Such a largely quiet weekend on my own is not standard for me, and of course I love spending time with O.K. either at my or his place, but every now and then it is quite welcome. And of course we spoke on the phone every day, sometimes twice, to keep each other updated with what we'd been doing and how our various events went.


  1. It's very cold here with a high of 1°F and low of -14°F so I've been spending the day inside. I have a good book to read and so don't mind being indoors. I will head to my sister's this evening with my son for pizza to celebrate our Mom's birthday. She would have been 102 today! Another frigid day tomorrow but then warmer on Wednesday (high 15° F).
    Hope you have an enjoyable week and you can get out for more hikes, Meike!

    1. Thank you, Ellen! I like it that you and your family still celebrate your Mom's birthday. My Dad would have been 82 at the end of this month, and I am sure we'll get together at my Mum's for a commemorative meal that evening.

  2. Happy late birthday to your sister! Your pictues are all beautiful but they do look cold! The Black Forest pictures are always amazing too. Your Mum is fortunate to be able to see you and your sister on a regular basis. I hope she is doing well, please give her my best!

    1. She is doing quite well, thank you, Bonnie. You wouldn't believe how action-packed her weeks are now, that she is no more housebound. She takes the bus to go into town to keep appointments, her friend drives them to visit places and see people. It is wonderful to see her like that, and I hope it'll last for a long time.

  3. Your wintry photographs certainly emphasise just how beautiful winter is (providing one is well wrapped up and has hearty food at home waiting).

    1. Food, and a warm place to return to! I can not even begin to imagine how hard winter must be for homeless people, or those suffering in war zones without any possibility of getting their house warm.

  4. I can't believe an hour and a half walk isn't a "long" walk for you! :)

    1. Up to an hour feels short, one hour feels good, 1 1/2 hour feels better, and from just under 2 hours upwards, I feel really good (unless I am very hungry, very cold, very wet or all three of these!).
      By the way, in your new profile picture you look incredibly young, and understandably pensive (I hope I am interpreting your expression correctly).

    2. Thank you, but I have to admit the lighting was flattering. I don't think I look quite that young in person. Pensive is a good word for how I'm feeling lately...among other things.

  5. Magic photos from the White (!) Black Forest, and beautiful skies from your neighbourhood as well. I've hardly been out at all since last Thursday as it's been extremely icy here (and still is).

    1. I was thinking the same about the "white" Black Forest :-)
      Today, we're in for a strangely mild day with a high of 9C in my area, but up to 13C in Freiburg, a city about 60 km from where O.K. lives! Then it will revert to frost, and icy rain has already caused havoc on the roads this morning.

  6. I enjoyed reading about your week in early January. I was thinking it is nice to have a weekend doing your own thing once in a while before I got to the end of your post when you said it yourself. I think I would find it quite difficult keeping a long distance relationship going as Iike my weekends at home with my things and my routines.

    1. Thank you, Rachel.
      I guess by now (after nearly 8 years) O.K. and I have gotten used to it, and a weekend apart feels strange - but as I said, every now and then it is not unwelcome - as long as I know we'll see each other again soon! :-)
      The biggest challenge is to fit in during the week almost everything most people do on weekends, mainly Saturdays, such as groceries shopping, cleaning, washing etc. Some evenings after a very busy day at work one just does not feel like doing all that, especially when with good weather and longer daylight I much prefer a walk.

  7. What struck me in amongst all the other familiarity of your post was the viewing tower in your favourite place. It has always stuck in my mind. Probably because it's so different and a mini landmark. The fact that you had a weekend at your own home and made me stop and think about home and routines and, oddly, my life when I had two homes.

    1. Your two homes were a lot further away from each other, and of course you did not just spend a weekend in one of them and the rest of the week in the other, but you can relate nonetheless to this "splitting" one's life between different places.
      The viewing tower is a common sight in our woodland and fields, and when my Dad used to spend most of his weekends in the woods belonging to a friend of his, he often helped setting them up or repairing older ones.
