Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Read in 2023 - 12: The Light We Carry

The Light We Carry

Michelle Obama

Back in 2019, I read Mrs. Obama's first book, "Becoming". You can find my review of it here. Much of what I said back then is also true for this book.

I enjoyed each and every page, and it won't do any harm to pick it up again in a few years or so, to see how much I remember and how much (still) applies to me then.

If you are looking for a self-help book with check lists to work through, or "I know it all" type solutions to any of life's challenges, don't read this book. 

But if you are looking for some practical wisdom and strategies that have helped Mrs. Obama (and her family and friends) and may be helpful for you, too, in staying balanced and hopeful in a world that seems to become more and more uncertain every day, read it.

Or, if you simply like what she has written so far (like I do) and admire her as someone with a very good head on her shoulders, someone who can put her thoughts into words in a manner that makes for a great read, you won't be disappointed, either.

The book's jacket reads: "Drawing from her experiences as a mother, daughter, spouse, friend, and First Lady, she shares the habits and principles she has developed to successfully adapt to change and overcome various obstacles - the earned wisdom that helps her continue to 'become' [...] encouraging others to work through fear, find strength in community, and live with boldness."

Something else I like about this book is the fact that you can very easily fit in reading just a page or two during a busy day, say, in your lunch break, and return to it later without losing track of the line of thought or wider idea explored in each chapter.

Until reading the jacket (I am one of those people who always read all the information before starting on the book itself), I had not known that Michelle Obama has written a third book, "American Grown". It is most likely going to find its way on my wish list for next Christmas.


  1. I have 'Becoming' as audio book and enjoyed that. Your review of this one makes me wonder if maybe this one is better read in smaller portions and even in print rarher than on Kindle?

    1. For me, this one is better in print, because I prefer reading paper books at home and read on my kindle mostly while travelling, but also because it contains photos and my kindle is not ideal for that.
      In my review of "Becoming", I even linked to your audio book review, Monica :-)

    2. Thanks, good to know about the photos - that's not ideal on my Kindle either (but I can use the Kindle app on my tablet for books with photos or or other illustrations). I think I'll check out if our book shop in town has the printed book in English before I decide.

    3. I would be surprised if they didn't, Monica :-)

  2. She seems very wise. Unfortunately, the wisest people don't have the most say in things.

    1. Wisdom is knowledge combined with experience, I believe, and it is certainly true for Mrs. Obama. True, she may not be a decision maker in the political sense, but she encourages everyone to make things even just a tiny bit better in their small, personal sphere of influence.

  3. I love Michelle Obama and wish she would run for president here in the USA! I enjoyed her books too!

    1. She won't - as you know from her books (and interviews, I guess). But I agree that she would be great in that role.

  4. I think I may have to read this because the world seems to be in freefall at the moment.
